Dance Theatre
Th 09/05/2024 19.30 Uhr

Crystal Pite & Jonathon Young . Kidd Pivot

Assembly Hall

Duration: approx. 1 hour 30 minutes (no break)
In English with German subtitles 

Großer Saal

Past event

© Michael Slobodian


“Gripping,” “irresistible,” “overwhelmingly emotional”: when Crystal Pite and Jonathon Young created their first dance theatre piece together in 2015, the critics outdid themselves in praise. Crystal Pite, who has choreographed for prestigious companies for over 30 years, regularly thrills her audiences with bold works on highly sensitive themes. In the theatre-maker Jonathon Young she found an ideal partner, with whom she could intelligently merge dance and theatre. Their third collaboration explores the human need for belonging.

Supporting programs

Th 09/05/2024 17.00 Uhr


Past event

Th 09/05/2024 18.30 Uhr

Bewegte Einführung

im Kleinen Saal. Unsere Kulturvermittler:innen Leonie Humitsch und Thomas Svistunov machen in dem halbstündigen Format Elemente aus der Produktion für Sie spielerisch erlebbar.
Th 09/05/2024 21.00 Uhr

Talk & Tapas

Gespräch mit kleinen Gaumenfreuden im Anschluss an die Vorstellung. Kostenlos, begrenzte Plätze. Infos und Anmeldung unter
  • © Michael Slobodian
  • © Michael Slobodian
  • © Michael Slobodian
  • © Sasha Onyshchenko

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